Sometimes linear regression doesn't quite cut it – especially when we believe that our observed relationships are non-linear.  For this reason, nosotros should turn to other types of regression.  This page is a brief lesson on how to calculate a quadratic regression in Excel.  Every bit ever, if yous have whatsoever questions, please electronic mail me at!

The typical blazon of regression is a linear regression, which identifies a linear relationship betwixt predictor(southward) and an outcome.  Sometimes our effects are non-linear, however.  In these cases, we need to apply unlike types of regression.

A common non-linear relationship is the quadratic relationship, which is a relationship that is described by a single curve.  In these instances, the relationship between ii variables may look like a U or an upside-downwards U.  Oft, we telephone call the latter of these relationships (the upside down U) a "too much of a good thing" outcome.  That is, when one variable goes up, and then the other goes up too; notwithstanding, once you become to a certain point, the human relationship goes dorsum down.  For example, conscientiousness may relate to life satisfaction.  If y'all are difficult working, so yous are more often than not happier with your life.  Withal, in one case you get to a sure level of conscientiousness, your life satisfaction might go back downwards.  If you are too hard working, then you may exist stressed and less happy with your life.

In that location is more that could exist stated most quadratic regression, but nosotros'll keep information technology simple.  To calculate a quadratic regression, we can utilise Excel.  If you don't have a dataset, you lot can download the example dataset hither. In the dataset, nosotros are investigating the human relationship of conscientiousness and life satisfaction.

The data should expect something similar this:

Quadratic Regression in Excel 1

If your dataset looks differently, yous should endeavor to reformat it to resemble the picture in a higher place. The instructions below may exist a little confusing if your data looks a little different.

First, we could create a scatter plot of the relationship between conscientiousness and life satisfaction.  As you can see, there is a clear U-shape to the data, which indicates that quadratic regression should be practical.

Quadratic Regression in Excel

To perform a quadratic regression, nosotros starting time demand to create a new variable.  To do then in Excel, we should showtime right-click on our outcome column, and and so click on Insert.

Quadratic Regression in Excel 2

This creates a new cavalcade.  In this new cavalcade, we want each cell to be the square of our corresponding predictor observation.  To practice and then, starting time add a label to the beginning cell in the column, such as ConSQ.  So, blazon "=A2^2" into the second jail cell of the cavalcade (without quotations).  This will automatically calculate the square of whatever is in the second cell of the first column.

Quadratic Regression in Excel 3

To do this for the remainder of the cells, you tin double-click the bottom right of the jail cell with the formula in information technology.  If you do it correctly, it should automatically copy your formula into each of the following cells, and your Excel spread sheet should look like the post-obit:

Quadratic Regression in Excel 4

Once you have the squared values, we are going to perform a regression every bit usual.  Click on Data Analysis.

Quadratic Regression in Excel 5

Then Regression and OK.

Quadratic Regression in Excel 6

Then, click on the button beneath to identify your outcome data (your Y-Range).

Quadratic Regression in Excel 7

Highlight your event information, including the label.  Then click the push button shown below.

Quadratic Regression in Excel 8

Now, click the button beneath to identify your predictor data (your 10-Range).

Quadratic Regression in Excel 9

At present, highlight BOTH your predictor variable and its squared values, including their labels.  Then click the button shown below.

Quadratic Regression in Excel 10

Lastly, click on the box for Labels and press OK.

Quadratic Regression in Excel 11

We should get results!  Yay!

Quadratic Regression in Excel 12

If you demand help reading this table, take a look at my Regression in Excel guide.  Otherwise, nosotros can conspicuously come across that the unstandardized beta for conscientiousness is -23.864, and the unstandardized beta for its squared values is iii.106.  Both of these are statistically meaning (p < .001).  When interpreting quadratic effects, withal, we only interpret the significance of the highest-order effect – in this case, the squared predictor.  And then, we would say that a significant quadratic result was seen between conscientiousness and life satisfaction, and the relationship could exist described past a unmarried curve.  We would and so expect at the scatter plot between the 2 to place the shape of the curve, which resembled a U.  Lastly, we could place that the overall R-Square of the model was .78, which is very loftier for the social sciences!

Of course, the results provide other information, which may be useful for your sure purposes, but the current guide just covers the basics.

Now you should exist able to perform a quadratic regression in Excel.  As always, if y'all have any questions or comments, please electronic mail me a!